Ricky, Denise and the rest of Geegal team competing
On Sunday I worked on some uni stuff. It was Renar´s turn to cook flat dinner. He had been worried about not knowning how to cook, but for no reason: His prawn sauce was so delicious :P He also picked up spicy honey chicken from some take away place, and with rice it made up a tasty dinner. We really have a group of talented cooks living in our flat! After dinner Tim and I went to Darling Harbour for his friend Katie´s farewell party. We were 3hours late, though, so we only got to spend around an hour with them until they decided to leave home. We felt still like doing something so we walked to the Casino. It´s a rather small (compared to the casinos in Las Vegas) complex of a hotel, a casino, some restaurants and a conventional store. We walked around in the casino and Tim spent $20 on rulet. There were lots of Japanese and Chinese tourists there but other than that it was pretty quiet. We bought ice creams and walked back home. It was a nice night: not too cold or windy. We watched a movie, whose name I forgot. (It was something related to labyrints.) It was a Spanish movie and it was nice recognizing some words every now and then even though I´ve only taken Spanish for half a year.
I had my last lectures today before a holiday :) It´s Easter this weekend followed by the Vice-Chancellors´ Week. Since I´ll miss a few lectures and tutorials because of going to New Zealand I won´t have any teaching for over 3weeks! I gotta work a lot on my assingments, though. They aren´t due until late April or May but since I´ll be traveling a lot I need to work on them whenever I´m home. By the way, I got my International Marketing individual case assignment back last week. I got 17/20 which I think is 85%. It´s not the best possible grade but good enough considering it was my first assingment here. Besides, I´m not even aiming to be a good student here: I didn´t come all the way to Australia to study, but to gain new experiences and have fun :D And no matter where you are, I don´t think your life should be only about performing well and achieving goals such as studying and career, but also about finding time to do things you enjoy. I´m not claiming I wouldn´t enjoy being ambitious with my studies, and with my career after graduating, but I don´t want it to be my single life goal. I think Sydney is a good place to refind the other goals...
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