We began celebrating Easter on Thursday by going to
the Easter Show at the Olympic Park. It was me, Tim, Shinae and Cameron going. Shinae had to leave early, though, to catch a bus to Melbourne. Carla and Madeleine (a Dutch girl) joined us later. The show was a lot bigger than I had thought! All the exhibitions, shows, competitions and stands were spread around at the Olympic venues. It was interesting seeing the Olympic Park; I have to go there again on a normal day to take a proper tour. First we walked around to see some stands and I found a place selling those 1m-long licorice strings, that I always used to buy at markets and any events as a kid. I´m so happy they´ve actually got licorice here since it´s my favorite candy (after chocolate, of course) :P We spent quite a while with farm animals: cows, pigs, lamas, sheep, chicken, birds, horses... I even got to milk a cow for the first time in my life. Then we found our way to a fashion show. The models were so tall and skinny and good looking! They were presenting normal autumn clothes, as well as some really glamorous evening gowns, and I actually got a few ideas of what to wear with some of my clothes. Even though the guys didn´t mind watching the show, either, I think they were happy when we got to the wood chopping contest place. There were big men competing in cutting large pieces of wood half. It was amazing how quickly they could do that! After the competition was over we waited for a while for Carla and Madeleine, who didn´t find the stadium but joined us later. We went to look for some more stands and I bought a red Champion sweatshirt at half price. At a Nokia stand Tim persuaded Cameron to join him for a picture which was made to look like a cover of "My Girlfriend" - magazine ;) By that time we all were starving and purchased some over priced nachos and Nando´s chicken burgers. After eating and listening to some band it was logical to go to look for some free dessert: food samples :) We found a whole place of food stands and tasted chips & salsa (I burned my mouth with too spicy salsa, haven´t experienced such pain in ages), cake and candy. From there we headed to the showbag place. Showbags are bags full of goodies and it actually makes a good deal buying them. They had different kinds of bags; toys, chocolage, candy, maganizes, girls etc... I bought a $6-bag full of licorice, while the other girls went for girly bags.
I and Tim on a big slide
Wood chopping contest
It had gotten dark already and we decided to go to the amusement park area. I like the athmosphere at amusement parks; people having a good time going on rides, trying to win prizes playing games, eating junk food and just walking around. I went on two rides with Tim and Cameron. Both of them were cool! I hadn´t been on rides for some 5years and was a bit nervous of possibly getting sick, since people seem to get sick easier as they grow older. Fortunately I was just fine, but Tim got sick during our second ride. He had to miss the ferries wheel, where Carla and Madeleine joined us, too. Just as we began our ride they started fireworks! We were lucky to be stopped at the highest point where we could see the fireworks really well. By the way, approximately 10 proposals take place in the ferries wheel each year. It was getting pretty late so we decided to take the train back home. Tim and I watched the movie Little Miss Sunshine, and then we had an interesting conversation about cultural differences, languages, education systems, different religions and about just everything, till 3am.
Fireworks on top of a stadium
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