Saturday, August 4, 2007

New semester, new people...

I´m soooooo tired... I went to the gym this morning and straight to work at the Broadway store from there. It was so quiet. I just kept refolding clothes to stop me from falling asleep. If it was up to me I´d love to have a quiet evening today; just watching a movie or reading a book. But people are having a party here in Geegal and I feel kinda obligated to participate, or at least show my face :) I´ve been working for over 30 hours this week, which has made me kinda unsocial getting to know all the new people that have just moved here. (A bunch of exchange students left after last semester so we´ve got all these new residents in Geegal.) We've got three new people at our flat: Sharon from Australia, Zain from Singapore and Emad from Jordan. They all seem really nice and I´ve got a good feeling about this upcoming semester :) However, I still miss Carla a bit. We hung out so much together; going to places, watching TV, cooking together, shopping, just chatting... Fortunately Finland and Holland aren´t too far apart, and we´ve already made preliminary plans to visit each other :)

So, besides working, what all have I been up to... Uni started this week. I´ve had a bit of a hassle with my subjects. Chinese got cancelled (shif, I was already getting really excited about learning it) so I had to substitute it with another subject. Here you can´t just go to Wedoodi and enroll to any subjects, like at the LUT, but you have to send e-requests and wait for answers. I decided to take Human Resource Management as my third subject. Because of enrolling so late I missed the first lecture, though. I also missed the Financial System because of work, but I went to Economics of the Firm. It seems like an interesting subject, the lecturer coming from Ukraine and having studiet at the US. I´ll have to spend some time tomorrow to catch up with the missed subjects.

On Wednesday last week I took part in a pub crawl that was organized for all new international students. We started with a few drinks (Baileys coffee, yum!) at home, and Kwan joined us from work. Then we took a bus to the Rocks, to our first pub. The whole pub crawl went only to 3 pubs, which I think is such a small number compared to pub crawls in Finland. It was so crowded everywhere! It was fun seeing all the new people and getting to know some of them, even though I don´t think I could remember most of them if I met them now. Kwan and I kept buying these vodkas mixed with coke or lemonade (the cheapest drinks after beer) and I drank quite a few shots, as well. It seems like I´ve developed a tradition of drinking certain shots with certain people: Definately tequila with Cameron, Baileys/sanbucca/anything sweet with Tim, and I had a shot of plain vodka with Carlos. He´s a big fan of Finlandia Vodka (thanks to Antti from LUT who is an ex-geegalian) and we keep talking about it. Unfortunately they didn´t have Finlandia at the pub we were at (such slackers!) so we had to settle with something else. Anyways, we spent time just hanging around, chatting to old and new people and listening to music. I was fairly drunk after around 6 drinks and 5 shots lol. We took the cab home and I went straight to bed, after complaining about the cold weather. Some people stayed up, and Carlos fell asleep on the couch. They came up with an excellent idea of painting his face with make-up and the pictures of him are so funny! Once again I discovered drinking isn´t really my thing anymore, though. I didn´t have hang over the next day but I felt tired and got nothing done. The weather was beautiful, though, and I went to Victoria park to read a book for a couple of hours.

Well, now I´m off to dowstairs to cook some dinner before the party... I´ll write more tomorrow.

1 comment:

Elise Malmivirta said...

Hey when youre visiting in Holland you know who else to meet right? :D