So, last Saturday we celebrated Madeline´s 24th Birthday in Gumal. It was me, her, Carla, Till, Julia and this other German girl whose name I forgot. They were drinking wine and I had a can of Coke. (I still don´t feel like drinking at all.) We played card games and I lost this Dutch game. For punishment they ordered me to knock on someone else´s door and ask for a BDay drink. I actually managed to get a packet of hot chocolate powder for Madeline; the girl opening the door was really nice :) At around midnight everyone else headed towards Three Monkies (a club close to Town Hall, I think) and I walked home. I didn´t have to work until at 12.30 on Sunday so I could´ve gone out, too, but I felt lazy and wanted just to lay in my bed under my thick king size quilt and read a book :)
On Tuesday we had a farewell party for exchange and study abroad students, organized by UTS. Actually I don´t know why I was invited even though I´m not leaving, but I joined Carla, Madeline and Till to go there. The party was held at the Graduate School of Business lounge room, which is a nice place with couches, coffee machines and a large balcony (not quite as friendly and cousy as Kaplaaki´s kiltis, though). The staff from the international office was there and we were provided beer, lemonade and chips. Just like all previous "parties" this one was just sitting around and talking to people. They don´t seem to be too keen about organizing any kind of entertaining. When I was the secretary of international affairs at LUT and organized these events I always tried to come up with some kind of games and activities, which most students seemed to like. Well, in fact they had a little exercise for us. We were randomly divided in 8 groups, where we had to find the person geographicly closest to us and talk to him/her. I had a short discussion with this German guy before I decided to leave the party and go to the gym instead.
On Thursday I, Tim, Shinae, Moy, Cameron and Nicola (Cameron´s friend) went out to eat to a Spanish restaurant. Tim had promised to buy me a dinner for my Birthday but both of us had been so busy with work and studying we hadn´t had time to go until that day. It was raining so we took the bus there and got to choose from a few Spanish restaurants. We picked well and had a delicious dinner at this nicely decorated restaurant. I ate a combination of different seafoods: prawns, scallops, fish...I can´t even name everything I ate. Especially the sauce tasted so good!
Nicola, Cameron, Tim, I, Shinae and Moy at the Spanish restaurant
Madeline had asked me to go to donate blood at the TAFE (polytechnic schools are TAFEs in Australia) next to the UTS. Red Cross had a moving blood service there for 2 days. They come there every 3months, which makes donating easy for all students going to TAFE and UTS. We used to have the same system at LUT but unfortunately they don´t have the resources to keep doing it anymore :( Anyways, after coming back from the gym on Friday I rushed to meet Madeline at Gumal and we walked to the TAFE together. I hadn´t been there before, and I walked around a bit when I went to look for a cafeteria to buy a snack. The building looks nicer than our uni. We had to wait for a while for our turn to donate. The system was really similar to the one in Finland. They had less strict restrictions, though: hemoglobine level 112 instead of 125 and weight 45kg instead of 50kg. I was asked if I wanted to donate a smaller amount since I´m pretty small, but since I had always been fine giving the standard amount I did it this time, too. At first my hemoglobine was just 107 but they remeasured it and got 128, so I was allowed to donate. (It´s weird how 2 minutes can make such a big difference.) Donating was fine, just as always, and we were given goody bags with chips, anzac cookies and a Mars bar. After the donation I went to Coles and home, and studiet for the rest of the day. I hadn´t felt that strong after donating blood for ages!
Now I´ve been just working, and every moment I haven´t been working I´ve spent at home studying. Well, I also went to the gym and watched TV... I´ve got two exams, International Marketing and Global Strategic Management, tomorrow. I´ve just gone through lecture slides (too lazy to read any books) and written some example answers. Right now I feel so tired. I think I´m just gonna go downstairs to prepare dinner (bought heaps of vegatables today :P) and see if there´s anything on TV... Carla, Denise and Till are in Perth now. I really wish I was there with them! I was planning on going and coming back just in time to do my exams, but decided to be a good student instead and stay home studying. Hopefully it pays off and I get good grades!
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