It was my 24th Birthday on Tuesday. Next year is gonna be scary since I´ll turn already 25 - it´ll be closer to 30 than 20 :o Anyways, I hadn´t had such good Birthday celebrations since I was a kid... Since 4 other people from Geegal had their Birthdays late May, too, we decided to celebrate together. Nign Nign, Carla and Denise formed the party committee: They planned the party and even printed invitations to put outside. The party took place in our flat on Saturday. I was supposed to write our marketing case in the afternoon but was too excited to concentrate. So Carla and I went to Coles instead to buy party food to offer everyone. We had chicken ceasar salad, chips, candy, and cake. Nign Nign bought us some dumplings they had made in flat 6. By 9 o´clock our flat was full of people, mostly from Geegal but also from Gumal. Till had baken a cake and everyone song "Happy Birthday" to us, and we got to blow a candle together. I got such great presents :) Carla, Denise and Till gave me Eternity Moment parfyme by Calvin&Klein. (I use it every day now and keep smelling myself lol) Shinae got me a cute little bag and a small mirror. I also got more chocolate to add to my stockings, from Cameron and Renar. I guess people here have began to notice I love chocolate :P The party itself was a ton of fun! People played drinking games, talked and just hung around. I don´t think anyone ended up leaving for clubs, so I guess they had a good time in our flat. Someone burned food in another flat, which caused the fire alarm to go off, so for a while everyone gathered outside to wait for the firemen to get here. As the night passed on, I ended up getting fairly drunk... To be honest, I don´t remember half of the night. But I was told I was overly positive and happy and did nothing that stupid. I remember performing the swan move with Carla, though ;) And drinking shots of straight vodka. Later that night I got a great idea to call Sonja on my cell phone. Fortunately I´ve got prepay because calling to Finland for 23min on your cell phone isn´t that cheap. So at least I won´t be surprised by a huge phone bill. It was great talking to her after such a long time <3 I really should call my family and friends in Finland more often. After finishing the phone call I started missing everyone, though, and spent the rest of the night talking to Tim. I think I went to bed at around 3am.
Party people :D
I and Carlos
On Sunday I woke up at 11pm to go sailing. UTS Union has its own sailing yacht, and students and staff get to book it on Fridays and Sundays. It´s pretty popular, so I had made the booking already a couple of months ago. I wouldn´t necessarily have booked it for the next day after our party, though, if I had known we were going to have one. I was feeling really tired and still a little bit drunk when we took the train to Edgecliff and walked to Double Bay Wharf. It was me, Tim, Moy and Cameron going. The weather was absolutely beautiful: warm and sunny :) We had to call our skipper Alistair when we were ready to go on the wharf, and he came to pick us up. The sailing boat is medium size and has two sails. There´re beds, an oven and a toilet inside. To get out of the wharf we used the motor first. It was a crowded day on the sea because of a sailing race. When it was time to start sailing, there was hardly any wind. So we didn´t move a lot, but sat on the boat and enjoyed the sunshine and nice views. We headed towards Manly but didn´t get really far. We got to help the skipper with the sails, and everyone got to stand behind the roar (is that a word?) Cameron didn´t have the best time, though. He got seasick and kept throwing up to the sea. After nice 3hours of sailing we were took back to the wharf. I learned a bit about sailing but can´t say I really understand it, though. I really enjoyed it and am considering booking the boat sometime again. It´s relatively cheap: only $30 per person. After coming home from sailing I just relazed watching Ugly Betty. It was Tim´s turn to cook flat dinner and he prepared really delicious chicken with chips :P
Moy, I, Skipper Alistair and Cameron
1 comment:
OOooooo i forgot your birthday (i never remember anyones, dont take personally ;D) so HYVVÄÄÄ SYNTTÄRIÄ now being a bit late :)
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