Our bar :P
In the beginning of the party it seemed like we had such excess of alcohol, which of course wasn´t true ;) I tried my best not to get too drunk, that was hard because of having all the cocktail ingredients there. I kept throwing away half of my drinks after tasting them but I ended up being fairly drunk by midnight anyways. Fortunately I wasn´t the only one! I made two cocktails worth mentioning: The first one was vodka, bacardi, cranberry juice, pineapple juice and small chucks of orance and lime. The second one was baileys, banana liquor, milk and a bit of kahlua. Zain was our master bartender, though. He remained sober but mixed the most delicious and pro looking cocktails for everyone. Besides preparing cocktails we listened to music, played never-ever-have-I (people still think it has to be sex related lol) and just hung out. And ran out of alcohol at 2am! The party ended actually pretty early, the last guest leaving already at 3am. I cleaned most of the common room before going to bed, and for some reason - I think it was Jamie - my laptop played this stupid Finnish excursion song Tahdon simpanssia koskettaa in repeat, which was perfect for cleaning lol. All in all, I had a great time and people have told me they liked the party, too, so it was definately worth organizing :) Maybe we´ll have another one before I leave...
Girls: I, Shannon, Kath, Maryse, Jamie and Monica
Kwan, I and Hiro
Even though I had mixed just everything at the party I had no hangover on Thursday! Maybe waking up to drink water throughout the whole night helped, but apart from having a sore throat (because of having the flu) I felt ok. I spent the day working on a group assignment and went to Victoria Park to read a book for a couple of hours. It was Renar´s graduation day - he´s now a master of science! - so we went out to dinner with our flat people. We went to Pancakes in the Rocks, which is a famous pancake restaurant in the Rocks. I had been planning on going there ever since Tim first told me about it in February, but for some reason I had never been there before. I just love the place! Sharon and I shared two dishes: a Greece crepe thing with spinach and cheese and two big pancakes with walnuts, marple syrup and vanilla ice cream :P After the dinner we spent some time in Circular Quay taking pictures of the Opera House and Harbour Bridge at night. It was a beautiful and warm night. Renar and Zain headed to some clubs but I decided to join Tim and Sharon to go home to sleep.
Circular Quay and Harbour Bridge
Tim, I, Zain and Sharon