The Vaucluse House dining room
St Mary´s Cathedral
After having lunch and coffee at a food court at some mall we walked to Darling Harbour to visit the Sydney Aquarium. It´s one of the few places that are open late. Most museums, shops, cafes and restaurants at food courts close as early as around 6pm. The aquarium was great! The fish, reefs, seahorses and everything were really beautiful with their bright colors and unique shapes. Some of them even glow in dark making them look kind of unreal. I got to spot Nemo and his friend (from the movie Finding Nemo)! There were also sharks and crocodiles there. The sharks looked scary with their sharp teeth, especially getting to watch them from a tunnel build under the pool. I never knew some fish can grow as big as 180cm! And I don´t mean just sharks, but some pretty ordinary looking fish.
Crocodile with its warning sign :)
Beautiful sealife
Since we weren´t feeling too tired after visiting the museum we decided to take a train to Milsons Point, which is on the other side of the Harbour Brige and cross the bridge. It was a nice walk with a good view over Sydney. It´s hard to explain the feeling being in a big city at night and seeing all the skyscrapers and lights. I guess it has something to do with feeling kind of free but still like being a part of something. I like being surrounded by lots of people and activities (for most of the time) and opportunities to do whatever.
Standing on the Harbour Bridge